Thursday, September 22, 2011

Leaflog at HWCH

Hi everyone!

As I'm sure you know, Hard Working Class Heroes is happening again all around Dublin on 6/7/8th of October. There are many exciting Irish acts playing this year including Owensie, Squarehead, Toby Kaar and We are Losers. Top of my list to see this year are Tralee lads, Leaflog. I posted about Leaflog before and I'm really excited that they're coming back to Dublin.
Leaflog are an ambient instrumental band taking influence from Godspeed, Sigur Ros and Mogwai. These guys are really something, they remind me of one of my favourite bands, Unwed Sailor. They've only been around a short while but they've had some really exciting stuff happen for them recently. The title track from their EP 'Mayday' was chosen for The Irish Blood Transfusion's Board campaign for World Blood Donor Day and they were commissioned to compose the score for Bill Morrison's experimental film 'Decasia', which they also performed live at the 2010 Kerry Film Festival.

They're playing Saturday, 10:15pm, 8th October in the Grand Social, Lower Liffey Street. I can't wait and I'm going to drag all my friends along with me!

See you there!