Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ireland's Most Influential Model


Just a quick post about the competition on Faye Dinsmore's blog to vote for Ireland's Most Influential Model. My little sister, Grace Connell has made the shortlist and I'm so proud! The prize is a trip to Paris in February, just before Fashion Week, for a private event at which the winner will be honoured. Attendees at the event will include some of the most knowledgable and influential people in the industry, so it would be such an amazing opportunity for her! Grace has been working so hard over the last few years in the industry and it'd be such a huge achievement for her. It takes two seconds to vote and you can vote once a day, please vote for Gracie here and help her get to Paris! I've included a few pictures below so you can decide for yourself. Thanks for reading! x


  1. omg these photo's are soo beautiful, love the top one!
    I'm going to vote for her now :) x

  2. Thanks Cheyenne! That's my favourite too, thanks for voting too! xx
