Friday, January 7, 2011


I can't stop listening to Meljoann at the moment! I first came across her music on Nialler9's blog and I absolutely love her tracks. It's completely different to anything coming out of Ireland right now, this girl is seriously talented. Her music is an innovative mish-mash of slick R&B female vocals, electro, digital funk and Skweee. Very cool indeed. Her releases to date are the 'Tour Guide' EP, 'So Academic' single and album 'Squick'. Some really sweet tracks on these. Here's a preview of couple of her tunes, please check out her website here where you can listen to more music and buy her releases.
 Cover of 'Squick' Album. Artwork by Lisa Crowne.

Meljoann has previously collaborated with Herv on his Gang Moulded release and now the pair are working on a new project Gland and Conduit with plans to release the album in the near future. Can't wait to hear that! x

  01 Tour Guide by meljoann

  01 So Academic by meljoann

  Bubbles' Wanders through the Dreamtime by meljoann


  1. your blog is amazing, just new follower, do you want to follow my blog?

  2. Thank you! I really like the tshirt you painted! :)
